


Abusive Supervision and Emotional Exhaustion: The Mediating Effects of Subordinate Justice Perception and Emotional Labor




吳宗祐(Tsung-Yu Wu)


不當督導 ; 正義知覺 ; 情緒勞動 ; 情緒耗竭 ; 知覺主管權力 ; abusive supervision ; justice perception ; emotional labor ; emotional exhaustion ; perceived supervisory power




50卷2期(2008 / 06 / 01)


201 - 221






The current study tries to explore the mediating process from abusive supervision to subordinates' emotional exhaustion. Past research has shown that subordinates' justice perception mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and emotional exhaustion. In this study, I further hypothesize that emotional labor serves as another mediator. In addition, I investigate how the moderating role of perceived supervisory power plays on the relationship between abusive supervision and the two mediators (justice perception and emotional labor). Two hundred and twenty three valid questionnaires were collected from full-time employees in Taiwan using survey research techniques. The results show that, after controlling altogether the respondents' gender, tenure, rank, education, gender combination, length of working years, and negative affectivity, abusive supervision predicts emotional exhaustion not only through subordinates' justice perception, but also through subordinates' emotional labor. In addition, subordinates' perception of supervisory power is found to moderate the relationship between abusive supervision and emotional labor, but not the relationship between abusive supervision and justice perception. Finally, abusive supervision is found to be more strongly related to emotional labor when individuals perceive more supervisory power. The implications of the findings, limitations, future research directions, and managerial implications are discussed at the end of this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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