


The Contribution of Social Network Interaction System on Maternal Depression and Acceptance of Cleft Lip and/or Palate Infants: Moderating and Main Effect




李依親(I-Ching Lee);雷庚玲(Keng-Ling Lay);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu);劉逸元(I-Yuan Liu);謝雅萍(Ya-Ping Hsieh)


社會支持 ; 社會困擾 ; 唇顎裂 ; 母親養育態度 ; 憂鬱 ; social support ; social undermining ; cleft lip and/or palate ; maternal child rearing attitude ; depression




50卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


303 - 326






Mothers of cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) infants have to face chronic facial, physical, and psychological problems of their children. The psychological adjustment of those mothers may be both affected and moderated by their social network. The present study adopted a system approach to investigate the moderating (i.e., buffering or exacerbating) and main effect of (1) the positive/negative feature (i.e., social support/undermining), (2) the types (i.e., emotional, informational, and instrumental support/undermining), and (3) the resources (i.e., husband, parents, and parent-in-laws) of social network interaction on maternal depression and acceptance toward CLP infants. Fifty mothers of CLP infants filled up the questionnaire for assessing perceived impact over giving birth to CLP infant while their children were in average two months of age. They then filled up the Beck Depression Inventory (Chinese Version), the Rearing Attitude Questionnaire (Liu & Lay, 2005), and the Social Network Interaction System Questionnaire (Lay & Liu, 1996) following the completion of the first lip-repair surgery (mean age=4.5 months). After controlling for infant gender, maternal educational level, and perceived initial impact, hierarchical regression analyses indicated that maternal perceived social support significantly predict acceptance toward CLP babies (β=.27, p<.01). Next, even when the variance of social support and its interaction with perceived impact had been controlled, maternal perceived social undermining could still independently predict acceptance and depression (βs=-.21 & .30, ps <.05) and the interaction between social undermining and perceived impact could still predict acceptance (β=-.23, p<.05). These findings not only yielded the main effect of social support but also revealed the main and exacerbating effect of social undermining (Cranford, 2004) on maternal psychological adjustment over and beyond the influence of social support. In addition, the predictability of undermining toward acceptance confirmed the cross-over effect of negative social interaction on positive adjustment index (Newsom, Nishishiba, Morgan, & Rook, 2003). This study also found that emotional and informational support correlates with acceptance (rs=.39 & .30, ps<.01 & .05), emotional support with depression (r=-.35, p<.05), emotional and informational undermining with depression (rs=.28 & .35, ps<.06 & .05), support and undermining from husband with acceptance (rs=.33 & -.33, ps<.05), and undermining from husband and in-laws with depression (rs=.35, .33, & .41, ps<.05). Hierarchical regression analyses further indicated that, for those mothers who perceived larger initial impact of giving birth to CLP babies, more instrumental support does not predict increased acceptance. The differential effect of various features, types, and resources of social network on maternal adjustment points to the domain specificity (Finch, 1998) of the social network interaction system. Explicitly, emotional support and undermining as well as instrumental support and undermining play significant roles for maternal adjustment. Meantime, it is suspected that too much instrumental support may deprive maternal sense of control thus hamper adjustment of mothers with high perceived impact. Moreover, that maternal adjustment is more in tune with the support and undermining provided from husband and in-laws may be related to the interaction pattern embedded in Chinese family structure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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