


The Relationship between Types of Parent-Child Triangulation and the Adjustment of Intimate Relationship for College Students




黃宗堅(Tsung-Chain Huang);周玉慧(Yuh-Huey Jou)


代間關係 ; 家庭界限 ; 集群分析 ; 親子三角關係類型 ; 親密關係適應 ; cluster analysis ; family boundary ; intergenerational relationship ; intimate relationship ; triangulation between parent-child




51卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


197 - 213






The purpose of this study was to reconstruct the concepts of triangulation between parent-child interactions, and to obtain the new types of triangulation. It was also to explore the relationships between triangulation and the adjustment of intimate relationship. 445 college students from ten universities in Taipei area were recruited. The measurements of <||>Parent-Child Triangulation Scale<||> and <||>Intimate Relationship Accommodation Scale<||> were utilized to investigate the subjects. Statistical methods of cluster analysis was applied to analyze the data. Results indicate that three types of triangulation, namely, <||>Parentification<||>, <||>Avoidance/Distance<||> and <||>Enmeshment/Dependence<||> were derived both for male and female college students. Although male college students perceived more parental conflict, female college students reported better adjustment of intimate relationship. Surprisingly, those who without the reactions of coalition, scapegoating and parentification did not show better adjustment as predicted. However, those who involved parental conflict and identified as parentified children perceived the better feeling of autonomy and flexiability. The effects of the indigenous psychology and practical implications were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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