


The Effects of Mortality Salience and Message Framing on Persuasion: Moderation of Regulatory Focus




顏志龍(Chih-Long Yen)


心理作戰 ; 死亡顯著性 ; 恐懼管理理論 ; 調控焦點 ; 戰場心理 ; attitude change ; death ; mortality salient ; psychological warfare ; regulatory fit Department of Psychology and Social Work ; National Defense University




51卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


235 - 250




本研究探討「死亡威脅」和「訊息調控焦點」對態度說服之交互作用效果。調控焦點理論(regulatory focus theory; Higgins, 1997)認為個體的動機狀態可區分為「促進焦點」(promotionfocus)與「預防焦點」(prevention focus)。過去研究發現當訊息的調控焦點形式,和個體的調控焦點狀態一致時,對說服會有較佳效果。依據過去實徵研究,研究者認為面對死亡威脅時,個體是處於預防焦點的心理狀態,此時以預防焦點形式呈現的訊息,會比以促進焦點形式呈現的訊息,來得有說服力。研究一(N=82)以恐懼管理理論(terror management theory; Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1986)的實驗典範操弄死亡威脅,採2(死亡威脅:有/無)×2(訊息調控焦點:促進/預防)的完全受試間實驗設計;研究結果支持了上述假設:面對死亡威脅時,「預防焦點」訊息之說服效果,優於「促進焦點」訊息。研究二(N=48)採閾下(subliminal)知覺的方式促發死亡威脅,結果發現面對死亡威脅時,個體對「預防焦點」相關的剌激反應速度比控制組快。整體而言,二個研究均支持了死亡威脅與調控焦點一致性對說服之效果。


The current study explored the interaction effects of mortality salience and message framing on persuasion. It is argued that death-threatening may evoke people's prevention focus concerns, thus, based on the effect of <||>regulatory fit<||>, prevention-framed messages may be more persuasive in mortality salient contexts than promotion-framed ones. In Study 1, 82 military personnel participated in a 2 (mortality salience: experimental/control group) x 2 (message framing: promotion vs. prevention) factorial experiment. The results support the aforementioned hypothesis. In Study 2 (N=48), by using a subliminal perception task to manipulate mortality salience, it is found that people under death-threatening were faster in reacting to prevention-related words than people of control group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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  1. 陳冠名(Kuang-Min Chen);倪瑛蓮(Ying-Lien Ni)(2021)。調控焦點理論在運動休閒消費行為研究之運用。嘉大體育健康休閒期刊。20(2)。97-107。