


Test of the Relationships among Different Cognitive Factors in Beck's Cognitive Model of Depression




古永利(Yung-Li Ku);張永源(Yong-Yuan Chang);唐子俊(Tze-Chun Tang);龍佛衛(For-Wey Lung);陳能清(Neng-Ching Chen);孫家瑞(Chia-Jui Sun)


中介因子 ; 失功能態度 ; 負向生活事件 ; 認知三元素 ; 調節因子 ; cognitive triad ; dysfunctional attitudes ; mediator ; moderator ; negative life event




52卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


47 - 56






This research tested the relationships among dysfunctional attitudes, the cognitive triad and depressive symptoms derived from Beck’s cognitive theory of depression. Beck proposed that when encountering stressful events, the people with dysfunctional attitudes may develop cognitive triad, and then become depressed. However, earlier empirical research on Beck's theory has been limited and generated inconsistent findings. Therefore, this study formulated an interactional model based on Beck's theory. The model was tested by structural equation modeling technique. Participants were 162 patients with major depressive disorder recruited from south and north Taiwan. Participants completed the List of Threatening Experiences, the Short-version of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, the Cognitive Triad Inventory and the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory. Statistical analyses indicated that the effect of the interaction between negative life events and dysfunctional attitudes on depressed symptoms in the interactional model was not significant. This indicated that Beck's theory was not supported. However, the path coefficients among the other variables in the model were still significant. After model modification, this study again formulated a mediational model. Statistical analyses indicated that all path coefficients in the mediational model were significant. The model revealed that negative life events affected dysfunctional attitudes, which in turn influenced the cognitive triad, which in turn led to depressive symptoms. The practical implication for clinical treatment is discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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