


Fifty Years, Life Experiences on the Road of Teaching, Research and Clinical Works




柯永河(Yung-Ho Ko)


習慣心理學 ; 習慣的符號 ; 習慣量表 ; habit psychology ; Habit Scales ; habit symbols




52卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


345 - 365






In the present paper, I attempted to describe briefly what I thought, wrote, felt and did during the years from 1960 to 2010, The main purpose is to leave some data, notes or information which might be of some help to Taiwanese psychologists in the present and the future time. The center of the descriptions is focused on the contents of several books I have wrote during the past fifty years. Some of these books were written as text books either for students in clinical psychology program or for students interested in clinical psychology in general, and some of them were written mainly out of my own academic interests and attempt to systematically explore the possibility of constructing a theory and body of knowledge of habits psychology. After finishing the reading of the present paper, the readers would gradually become more clear about my assertion that the concept of habit is though plain, as it appears, but in fact quite implicit, though concrete as it appears, but abstract, and though rigid but quite elastic; especially when redefined, the extent of applicably of the concept will become limitless, and any phenomenon in the universe could be seen as a habit. At the last part of the paper, the author pointed out the necessity of developing a series of habits scales to facilitate the enthusiasm of the study or research of habits, which is still invisible in the present psychological society in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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