The present study aimed to suitably refine the broadly used, dimension-based measurement of adult attachment in Taiwan, i.e., the revised adult attachment scale (RAAS). In order to examine the psychometric properties and applicability of its Chinese translated version (RAAS-C), two samples of college students were recruited. Sample 1 (n=177) was used to explore the potential factor structure via exploratory factor analyses. Sample 2 (n=240) was used to verify its factor structure via confirmatory factor analyses and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that, consistent with the theory and existent adult attachment research, a two-factor structure, i.e., anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment, can better fit for the model of the RAAS-C. The RAAS-C displays good internal consistency and test-retest stability, with Cronbach's alpha coefficients .85, .79, and .84 as well as 2-week test-retest reliabilities .85, .79, and .85 for anxiety attachment, avoidance attachment, and total scale, respectively. It also demonstrates adequate construct validity with correlations to self-esteem, depression, and anxiety, and with anxiety attachment dimension predicting consequent depression and anxiety assessed over 2 weeks. Its criterion-related validity is supported by associations with the widely used relationship questionnaire (RQ), in that anxiety and avoidance attachment dimensions separately and adequately associated with two dimensions (i.e., model of self and other) and four categories (i.e., secure, fearful, anxious, and dismissive) of attachment on the RQ. Finally, the importance and applicability of adopting anxiety and avoidance attachment dimensions to explore emotional distress is discussed.
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