


The Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Subordinate Effectiveness: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Distrust in the Supervisor




姜定宇(Ding-Yu Jiang);丁捷(Jie Ding);林伶瑾(Lin-Chin Lin)


不信任主管 ; 社會交換理論 ; 信任主管 ; 威權領導 ; 家長式領導 ; authoritarian leadership ; distrust in supervisor ; paternalistic leadership ; social exchange theory ; trust in supervisor




54卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


269 - 291






Paternalistic leadership is an important leadership style in Chinese business organizations. However, some recent studies indicated that authoritarian leadership, one of the key components of paternalistic leadership, is negatively related to employee effectiveness. These results challenge the integrity of paternalistic leadership theory. According to social exchange theory, this study suggested that the negative social exchange relationship between the supervisor and the subordinate can help explain the above issue and provides insight to paternalistic leadership theory. We proposed that subordinates' trust and distrust in their supervisors play key mediating roles in the relationship between paternalistic leadership and subordinates effectiveness. Using 268 supervisor-subordinate dyads sample from various Taiwanese companies, the analytic results indicated that: (1) Trust in supervisor and distrust in supervisor were different constructs; (2) Authoritarian leadership was positively associated with distrust in supervisor, and moral leadership was negatively related to distrust in supervisor; (3) Distrust in supervisor was negatively associated with loyalty to supervisor and job performance and positively related to deviance behavior toward supervisor; (4) Trust and distrust in supervisor fully mediated the relationship between paternalistic leadership and subordinate effectiveness. We discussed the importance of the distrust in supervisor construct in understanding the influence process of paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizational contexts. Limitations and future directions were also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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