


Does Chinese Authoritarian Leadership Always Lead to Employee Negative Outcomes? Using Uncertainty Management Theory to Explore the Moderating Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on the Relationship between Distributive Injustice- Procedural Injustice Interaction and Employee Job Satisfaction




吳宗祐(Tsung-Yu Wu);廖紘億(Hong-Yi Liao)


工作滿意度 ; 分配不公平 ; 威權領導 ; 程序不公平 ; authoritarian leadership ; distributive injustice ; job satisfaction ; procedural injustice




55卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


1 - 22






Authoritarian leadership is the characteristic leadership style in Chinese organization. Although past research has showed that authoritarian leadership leads to employee negative responses, some aspects of authoritarian leadership may also reduce employee uncertainty. Drawing on ”uncertainty management theory” and ”justice process-outcome interaction perspective,” we explored whether authoritarian leadership diminishes the interaction effect of procedural injustice and distributive injustice on employee job satisfaction. Using questionnaire survey, we collected data at two time-points and obtained 136 usable observations for hypothesis testing. The results of regression analyses showed that the interaction of procedural injustice and distributive injustice significantly related to employee job satisfaction only in the low authoritarian leadership condition (high uncertainty), whereas no such interaction effect was found in the high authoritarian leadership (low uncertainty). Employees reported a lowest level of job satisfaction in the low authoritarian leadership, high distributive injustice, and high procedural injustice condition. We discussed the theoretical and practical implications of our findings as well as future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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