
Studying Language Databases: From Characters to Words to Sentences






劉英茂(In-Mao Liu)


詞資料庫 ; 文句資料庫 ; 文句架構 ; 部件資料庫 ; 字資料庫 ; character database ; sentence database ; sentence frame ; sub-character database ; word database




55卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


231 - 244






This paper describes historical contexts in which various character database studies were conducted from the 1970s in Taiwan. After presenting various character database studies, the psychological reality of sub-character units is described before introducing a sub-character database study. In the transition from character database studies to word database studies, this paper describes various attempts to find the psychological reality of word units, before introducing word database studies. Finally, in the transition from word database studies to sentence database studies, an attempt to find the psychological reality of sentence frames is described. Then, two sentence database studies are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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