


From Conditioning to Conditional Reasoning




黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang)


認知心理學 ; 聯結論 ; 條件化歷程 ; 條件式推理 ; cognitive psychology ; associationism ; conditioning ; conditional reasoning




55卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


245 - 253






The two most acclaimed notions of active processing and mental organization in cognitive psychology were forcefully advocated following the first introduction of Neisser's (1967) book to Taiwan in 1970. The introduction created confusion and contradictions in learning and research, especially when the then-prevailing studies on conditioning were based primarily in the context of associationism. The present study contrasts the two lines of studies, i.e., conditioning and conditional reasoning, to such an extent that they are obviously located at different levels along a continuum of cognitive hierarchy. However, based on new findings forty years later, a component of ”cognitive” causal reasoning can be found in a research paradigm of conditioning that was traditionally thought as ”associative” and ”passive”. The review echoes the historical perspective that the changes inevitably emerged from the established stream and the emerged changes will eventually converge and form a new stream. The observation seems to be applicable to the case of cognitive studies in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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