


The Applications of Cognitive Psychology in Taiwan-From Cognitive Research to Human-Centered Design in the Context of Emerging Technology




汪曼穎(Man-Ying Wang);葉怡玉(Yei-Yu Yeh);黃榮村(Jong-Tsun Huang)


台灣 ; 科技 ; 認知心理學 ; 應用 ; Taiwan ; technology ; cognitive psychology ; applications




55卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


381 - 404






This article reviews applied cognitive research in the context of emerging technology in Taiwan. Research findings between 1970 and 2012 are reviewed according to their domains of application, i.e., hardware system, interface design, product development, error diagnosis and human error, personnel selection and environmental system. As research efforts in these domains were affected by international and local social and industrial contexts, the focus of research interests progressed from complex systems (i.e., aviation, nuclear power plant and environment) to simple systems (3C products, handheld device). The purpose of research also evolved from the promotion of operation safety to human-centered design processes. One of the main current challenges is the insufficient recognition of potential contributions of cognitive psychology to the wide spectrum of applied issues in both government section and the industry. The scarcity of theoretically-driven research in applied cognitive psychology constitutes yet another one.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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