


A Structure Analysis of Chinese Emotions




鄭昭明(Chao-Ming Cheng);陳英孜(Chao-Ming Cheng);卓淑玲(Shu-Ling Cho);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


情緒結構的加性樹狀分析 ; 最近鄰分析法 ; 華人的情緒結構 ; 華人的情緒類別 ; additive tree representation of emotion structure ; nearest neighbor analysis ; structure of Chinese emotions ; category of Chinese emotion




55卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


417 - 438




本研究旨在探索華人情緒的結構。研究首先盡可能竭盡的搜尋當代華人在日常生活使用的情緒詞,不包括「敘述激動程度」、「自我指向的情緒」與「情緒變化」的詞彙。所獲得的305情緒詞可歸屬於30個「情緒類別」,包括橫跨東方儒家、佛家與傳統中醫所主張的10個情緒類別與20個其他的類別。實驗一的參與者針對這些類別與其上位概念,「情緒」,所形成的465配對在一11點量表上進行相似性的評定。所獲得的31 × 31相似性矩陣資料以「多向度計量法」與「加性樹狀群聚法」表徵其結構。「最近鄰分析」的結果顯示,從加性樹狀群聚表徵所計算的「中心性」與「相互性」比從多向度空間表徵所計算的較能反映實際資料的中心性與相互性。實驗二發現,加性樹狀群聚比多向度空間表徵較能反映實際資料的結構改變。加性樹狀群聚分析的結果發現,華人的30個情緒類別能經由「情緒的評價性」、「激動程度」、「愛慕的對象」、「威脅的種類」與「情緒反應的對象」等特徵而分成為8個不同的群聚,對等於「思念」、「驕傲」、「欲求」、「愛慕」、「憂慮」、「懼怕」、「悲哀」與「厭惡」。


The structure of Chinese emotions was studied by first searching as exhaustively as possible those Chinese emotion words that were used by present-day Chinese in everyday life situations, excluding those of arousal, selforiented emotion, and emotion-change words. A total of 305 terms were thus collected and then classified into 30 categories of emotion, including the 10 categories, which are claimed to be important and primary across Confucian school, Buddhism, and traditional Chinese medicine, and the other 20 categories. The 30 categories and their superordinate concept, emotion, formed a total of 465 pairs for participants in Experiment 1 to rate the similarity of each paired items on a 11-point scale. Resultant 31 × 31 similarity data matrix was then analyzed by a 2- and 3-dimensional scaling and an additive tree clustering method. Results of a nearest neighbor analysis show that the centrality and reciprocity computed from the additive tree solution fitted those of observed data much better than did those computed from the multidimensional scaling solutions. The additive tree model was also supported by the finding of Experiment 2 that the model was sensitive to a change in structure by revealing a change in centrality and reciprocity. The results of the additive tree analysis suggest that the 30 Chinese emotion categories can be grouped into 8 different clusters based on the features of evaluation, arousal level, kind of threat, arousal level caused by threat, target of emotional reaction. The 8 clusters are discussed with the 7 primary emotions proposed by the three oriental theories of 7-emotions and Ekman's (1972) 6 basic emotions

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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