


Editors' Introduction Leadership Studies in Taiwan: Innovation and Beyond




鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);姜定宇(Ding-Yu Jiang);吳宗祐(Zong-You Wu)


台灣領導研究 ; 領導 ; 跨文化研究取徑 ; 本土化研究取徑 ; leadership studies in Taiwan ; leadership ; cross-cultural approach ; indigenous approach




56卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


135 - 147






The research trend of leadership in Taiwan has evolved with time. At first, researchers transplanted and duplicated Western constructs in Taiwan. Later on, influenced by the ideology of emic approach and cultural psychology, researchers changed their interest to cross-cultural and indigenous studies. After years of efforts, indigenous leadership theory now becomes an emerging and prosperous topic in global research society. Echoing to this evolution, in this article, we first review the development of leadership studies in Taiwan, and then analyze overall findings. Meanwhile, we briefly introduce five inspiring review papers, which focus on specific leadership topic individually, compiled in this special issue. Lastly, future research agenda is blueprinted and indigenous flavor is addressed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
  1. 王安智(2014)。德行領導:本土概念或普同現象?。中華心理學刊,56(2),149-164。
  2. 周婉茹、鄭伯壎、連玉輝(2014)。威權領導,概念源起、現況檢討及未來方向。中華心理學刊,56,165-189。
  3. 林姿葶、鄭伯壎(2014)。鑒往知來:領導研究中的時間議題。中華心理學刊,56,237-255。
  4. 胡昌亞、鄭瑩妮(2014)。不當督導研究的回顧與前瞻。中華心理學刊,56,191-214。
  5. 黃敏萍、高鳳霞(2014)。價值契合觀點之魅力領導理論:中介歷程與多層次分析。中華心理學刊,56,215-235。
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  13. Cheng, B. S.,Wang, A. C.,Huang, M. P.(2009).The road more popular versus the road less travelled: An "insiders" perspective of advancing Chinese management research.Management and Organization Review,5,91-105.
  14. Farh, J. L.,Podsakoff, P. M.,Cheng, B. S.(1987).Culture-free leadership effectiveness versus moderators of leadership behavior: An extension and test of Kerr and Jermier's "substitutes for leadership" model in Taiwan.Journal of International Business Studies,18(3),43-60.
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  24. Hu, H. H.,Hsu, W. L.,Cheng, B. S.(2004).Reward allocation decisions of Chinese manager: Influence of employee categorization and allocation situation context.Asian Journal of Social Psychology,7,221-232.
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  27. Kerr, S.,Jermier, J. M.(1978).Substitutes for leadership: Their meaning and measurement.Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,22,375-403.
  28. Li, J. T.(Ed.),Tsui, A. S.(Ed.),Weldon, E.(Ed.)(2000).Management and organization in the Chinese context.London, UK:Macmillan.
  29. Mobley, W. H.(Ed.),Gessner, M. J.(Ed.),Arnold, V.(Ed.)(1999).Advances in global leadership.Stamford, CT:JAI Press.
  30. Mumford, M. D.,Zaccaro, S. J.,Harding, F. D.,Jacobs, T. O.,Fleishman, E. A.(2000).Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems.Leadership Quarterly,11,11-35.
  31. Pellegrini, E. K.,Scandura, T. A.(2008).Paternalistic leadership: A review and agenda for future research.Journal of Management,34,566-593.
  32. Sagie, A.,Koslowsky, M.(2000).Participation and empowerment in organizations: Modeling, effectiveness, and applications.Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.
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  35. Tsui, A. S.,Schoonhoven, C. B.,Meyer, M. W.,Lau, C. M.,Milkovich, G. T.(2004).Organization and management in the midst of societal transformation: The People's Republic of China.Organization Science,15,133-144.
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  38. Wang, A. C.,Cheng, B. S.(2010).When does benevolent leadership lead to creativity? The moderating role of creative role identity and job autonomy.Journal of Organizational Behavior,31,106-121.
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  40. Zhang, Z. X.,Chen, Z. X.,Chen, Y.-R.Business leadership in the Chinese context: Trends, findings and implications.Management and Organization Review
  41. 林邦傑(1978)。最不喜歡工作伙伴量表的因素結構及其與刻板印象、自我概念之關係。中華心理學刊,20,41-53。
  42. 林姿葶、鄭伯壎、周麗芳。家長式領導:回顧與前瞻。本土心理學研究
  43. 楊國樞(1993)。中國人的社會取向:社會互動的觀點。中國人的心理與行為─理念及方法篇(1992),台北=Taipei:
  44. 鄭伯壎編、姜定宇編、鄭弘岳編(2003)。組織行為研究在台灣:三十年回顧與展望。台北=Taipei:桂冠=Guiguan。
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  47. 鄭伯壎、黃敏萍(2013)。戰後六十年來的台灣領導研究:客位化、本土化及全球化。海峽兩岸人文社會科學研究的回顧與展望(1949-2009),台北=Taipei:
  48. 鄭伯壎、楊國樞(1977)。影響工人工作滿足感的因素:領導方式、情境因素及人格因素。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,44,13-45。
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