


The Effect of Contextual Information on Reading Span




江承翰(Cheng-Han Chiang);陳湘淳(Hsiang-Chun Chen);李玉琇(Yuh-Shiow Lee)


工作記憶廣度測量 ; 自由回憶 ; 記憶重建 ; 順序再認 ; working memory span ; free recall ; memory reconstruction ; sequential recognition




57卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


353 - 371






Working memory plays an important role in school learning. This study using the reading span task investigated how contextual information provided by the processing component enhances the working memory storage. In Experiment 1, we found that the contextual information and the integration between the processing task and target words facilitated memory performance, while increasing cognitive load had an interference effect. Experiment 2 showed that in free recall, participants actively used the contextual information to reconstruct the target words of the storage task. Experiment 3 further used the sequence recognition test and found that the contextual information enhanced participants’ recognition of both absolute and relative positions of the target words. Experiment 2 and 3 also found that participants’ memory performance was only benefitted from conditions with a high level of contextual information. These findings demonstrated that participants actively made use of the contextual information provided by the processing task and that changing cognitive load in the processing task had an effect. More importantly, the sequential information from the contextual relationship between the sentences in the processing component was the basis for reconstructing the target words in a reading span task. These findings are discussed in terms of the mechanism underling the facilitation effect of the processing component in a working memory task. Some suggestions are also made regarding materials used in the reading span task to measure individual differences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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