


Adolescent Positive/Negative Thinking and Mental Health: The Moderating Roles of Proactive Coping and Procrastination Habit




陳坤虎(Kun-Hu Chen);周芸安(Yun-An Chou)


正負向思考 ; 生活滿意度 ; 拖延習慣 ; 憂鬱 ; 積極因應 ; positive/negative thinking ; life satisfaction ; procrastination habit ; depression ; proactive coping




57卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


373 - 388




傳統心理學在探討青少年的心理健康或心理病理,多從負向或醫學觀點來探究。隨著正向心理學的興起,學界開始重視正向的觀點。本研究旨在探討青少年的思考型態與心理健康之關係,同時探討青少年的因應方式是否能在思考型態與心理健康之間扮演調節變項的角色。在檢驗上述的研究議題時,本研究同時考量正負向思考型態、正負向因應方式(亦即,積極因應、拖延習慣),分別在正負向心理健康指標(亦即,生活滿意度、憂鬱)上的功能與意涵。本研究樣本來自大台北地區四所國中之學生(N = 303,男性137名、女性166名)。測量工具包含簡版「自動化思考量表」、「積極因應量表」、「拖延習慣量表」、「生活滿意度量表」和「流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表」。研究結果顯示,正向思考較能預測個體的生活滿意度,而負向思考則較能預測個體的憂鬱程度;另外,積極因應不僅能調節負向思考與生活滿意度之關係,同時亦能調節負向思考與憂鬱之關係。本研究結果意涵著,正負向思考在青少年心理健康扮演不同的角色,同時積極因應能緩衝負向思考對心理健康的傷害。


Traditionally, the field of psychology adopts a negative or medical viewpoint to understand adolescents’ mental health or psychopathology. With the rise of positive psychology, researchers have started to pay more attention to the positive viewpoint. This study focused on the relation between thinking styles and mental health in adolescence; meanwhile, the study also attempted to examine whether coping styles could be moderators between thinking styles and mental health. In addition to examining the above-mentioned issues, the study tried to elucidate the functions of positive/ negative thinking styles and coping styles (i.e., proactive coping and procrastination habit) for the indices of positive/ negative mental health (i.e., life satisfaction and depression) respectively. A total of 303 junior high school students in the Taipei metropolitan area filled out questionnaires of positive/negative thinking, proactive coping, procrastination habit, life satisfaction and depression. The results showed that positive thinking could more successfully predict individual’s life satisfaction whereas negative thinking was a better predicator of individual’s depression. Moreover, proactive coping not only moderated the relation of negative thinking and life satisfaction, but also moderated the relation of negative thinking and depression. In summary, the study implied that positive/negative thinking seem to play different roles in adolescent mental health. Meanwhile, proactive coping can serve as a buffer against the harmful impact of negative thinking on mental health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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