


Mind in Sports: Contemporary Issues and Future Trends




王駿濠(Chun-Hao Wang)


競技運動 ; 運動員 ; 認知科學 ; 神經科學 ; sports ; athletes ; cognitive science ; neuroscience




62卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


171 - 194






Cognitive and neuroscience science has been a promising approach in sport psychology. In particular, there has been increased attention given to the role of mind in sports. Although most empirical studies have pointed out the importance of cognitive function supporting sports expertise, the generalizability of current findings to applications in field settings has been limited, which may be due in part to lacking of a comprehensive review and practical guide on this topic. Accordingly, we conducted a systematic review to discuss the published literature regarding sports and cognitive neuroscience so as to understand the past and present in this field. This review then discussed the potential mechanisms explaining the existing research findings from the point of view from current hypothesis/models. Despite some inconsistency, the review of most of the previous studies reveals that individual differences in cognitive functioning may be related to sports type, expertise level, and playing position. Further, higher-order cognitive functions such executive functions or inhibition have been demonstrated to predict sporting performance. Despite these promising findings, the discrepancy in findings and the adaption of low ecologically valid experimental condition as well as cross-sectional design may impede the real-world application of research findings. Accordingly, this review also proposed the directions for future research and field applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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