


Acute Exercise and Cognitive Functions: International History and Research Development in Taiwan




陳豐慈(Feng-Tzu Chen);粘瑞狄(Jui-Ti Nien);吳治翰(Chih-Han Wu);楊高騰(Kao-Teng Yang);張育愷(Yu-Kai Chang)


身體活動 ; 執行功能 ; 神經科學 ; 運動處方 ; physical activity ; executive function ; neuroscience ; exercise prescription




62卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


195 - 216






Acute exercise and cognitive function have become significantly related attentional topics in the international academic society. Taiwan's research team was not only connected to, but also directly involved in research within its own society on this topic. The purpose of this literature is to review studies about acute exercise and cognitive function and further to introduce the international history and studies established by Taiwan team. Specifically, the present review discussed classical reviews and a meta-analysis conducted by international and our teams and these results demonstrated positive and causal relationship between acute exercise and cognition. Afterward, we began to focus on moderators related to acute exercise and cognition and different individual backgrounds for conducting follow-up studies and further explore the brain mechanisms related to acute exercise and cognition. Finally, we here provide future directions and summarized findings of past studies. It is hoped that readers will have more reference to connect international academic society in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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