


Exploring How Transformational Leadership Enhances Subordinate Person-job fit: The Roles of Job Crafting and Perceived Organizational Support




李曉鳳(Hsiao-Feng Li);高國揚(Kuo-Yang Kao)


工作塑造 ; 社會交換理論 ; 知覺組織支持 ; 個人—工作適配 ; 轉換型領導 ; job crafting ; P-J fit ; perceived organizational support ; social exchange theory ; transformational leadership




64卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


359 - 384






Recent research notes that transformational leadership is positively related to person-job fit (P-J fit). However, the mechanism underlying this relationship remains unclear. Based on the social exchange theory, the current study investigates whether job crafting serves a mediating role in this relationship and examines the moderating effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on the direct and indirect effects of transformational leadership on P-J fit. The two-wave data were collected from 213 full-time employees in Taiwan. The results indicated that (a) transformational leadership was positively related to P-J fit and job crafting, (b) job crafting was positively related to P-J fit, (c) job crafting mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and P-J fit, (d) when POS is high (vs. low POS), the positive relationship between transformational leadership and job crafting is stronger, and (e) when POS is high (vs. low POS), the indirect relationship between transformational leadership and P-J fit (via job crafting) is stronger.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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