


Researches on the Original Characters of the Southern Min Dialects (I)




徐芳敏(Fang-Min Hsu)


漢語 ; 方言 ; 閩語 ; 閩方言 ; 閩南方言 ; 本字 ; Chinese ; dialects ; Min dialects ; Southern Min dialects ; original character




53期(2000 / 11 / 01)


159 - 194






This paper studies the researches on the original characters (本字) for some pronunciations, whose initials are t or th, of the Southern Min dialects.1.The original character for the pronunciation ⊆tã is重. 2.The original character for the pronunciations tã^⊇ and tha^⊇ is襐. 3. The original character for the pronunciation ⊆taŋ is僮. 4. The original character for the pronunciation ⊆taŋ is橦. 5. The original character for the pronunciations ⊆taŋ and ⊆tŋ is (骨童). 6. The original character for the pronunciation ⊆taŋ is 潼. 7. The original character for the pronunciation thaŋ^⊇ is 桶. 8. The original character for the pronunciation ⊂tə is 搥. 9. The original character for the pronunciation tia⊇^ʔ is 喋. 10. The original character for the pronunciations tiam^⊇ and tim^⊇ is 湛. 11. The original character for the pronunciation tiau⊃^ʔ is 焯. 12. The original character for the pronunciation tiau⊃^ʔ is (足豕). 13. The original character for the pronunciation ⊂tin is 轉. 14. The original character for the pronunciation thɔ^⊇ is 度. 15. The original character for the pronunciation ⊂tuã is 丹. 16. The original character for the pronunciation thue⊃^ʔ is 帖(貼). 17. The original character for the pronunciation thue⊃^ʔ is屟.

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人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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