


Yan Fu and Liang Qichao




黃克武(Ko-Wu Huang)


嚴復 ; 梁啓超 ; 時務報 ; 國聞報 ; 胡適 ; Yan Fn ; Laing Qichao ; Shiwu bao ; Guowen bao ; Hu Shi




56期(2002 / 05 / 01)


29 - 68






Yan Fu (1854-1921) was twenty years older than Liang Qichao (1873-1929). Both men exerted tremendous influence on the intellectual world in late Qing and early Republican China. Based on the works by Yan and Liang, the correspondence between them, and other materials, this paper studies their friendship and further examines the interactions among intellectuals in modem China. To put it briefly, Yan and Liang were intellectually intimate but socially alienated. In terms of their intellectual approaches, especially after 1903, Yan and Liang both adopted a mild, gradualist, accommodative mode of thinking, and rejected the radical, transformative alternative. Yet the major interactions between them were not intellectual discussions, but poems written to each other on special occasions and Yan's unilateral criticism on Liang's political stance. From the eve of the 1898 Reform Movement to his death, Yan consistently criticized Liang in public and in private for radical, ”irresponsible,” and revolutionary thought and action that contributed to the ”radicalization” of chaotic China. Yan completely ignored Liang's intellectual transformation that took place after his trip to America in 1903. After this transformation Yan and Liang in fact shared a very similar intellectual outlook. Being a member of the younger generation, Liang just accepted Van's criticism without arguing with Van directly (his letter to Yan written in 1897 was an exception). The relationship between Yan and Liang was very different from that between Liang and Hu Shi (1891-1962). Liang and Hu had more intellectual discussions, less political debates, and did not write poems to each other. In contrast to Yan's criticism of Liang's radical thought, Hu said that Liang's most important contribution was ”pointing out the shortcomings of Chinese culture and glorifying Western virtues.” And Liang's biggest mistake was to ”protecting Chinese culture.” The different evaluations of Liang by Yan and Hu indicate the growing radicalization in twentieth-century China. The interaction between Yan and Liang also reveals their lack of reasonable dialogue and their failure to cooperate on the basis of the idea of tolerance. This failure has been a serious problem of Chinese intellectuals in modem times and an obstacle for the development of liberalism in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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