


Hui Dong's "Spring and Autumn Annals" Scholarship




張素卿(Su-Ching Chang)


漢學 ; 古義 ; 解釋類型 ; 解經 ; 乾嘉之學 ; Han Learning ; guyi ; type of interpretation ; exegesis of the Classics ; Chien-Chia ; Hsueh Shu




57期(2002 / 11 / 01)


99 - 101+103-140






Hui Dong considered that the Han Confucians were closer to antiquity, followed the traditional schools of interpretation, and transcribed the transmitted archaic pronunciations onto bamboo and silk. Thus he had respect for the Han and concentrated on the Han Learning interpretation of the Classics that respected antiquity, emphasizing the ”guyi (古義)” of the Confucian phrase, ”Transmit but do not create,” as the representative model of interpretation. He used guyi as the basis for his textual reconstruction and evidential scholarship, stressed study of ancient pronunciation, and authored texts such as ”Han Learning Yi (易漢學)”, and the ”Explanation of the Zhouyi (周易述)”, outlining the beginning of a new way of commentary. According to his three texts, ”Supplementary Notes to the Zuozhuan (左傳補註)”, ”Guyi of the Gongyang Commentary (公羊古義),” and ”Guyi of the Guliang Commentary (穀梁古義),” all may be classed as the type of interpretation of ”guyi (古義).” We can say that his ”Spring and Autumn Annals” scholarship did not strictly preserve the distinction between Old Text and New Text schools, and he was not bound to study solely according to anyone traditional school or commentary. The core of his exegeses of the Classics changed from the interpretation of their concealed meanings, to ancient pronunciation, and he turned in the direction of ancient philology according to meaning and pronunciation; in addition, concentrating on researching the system of governmental decrees and regulations. Ordering the ”Spring and Autumn Annals” according to ritual, this was actually a breakthrough in that he used Han Learning to supplement and correct the Wei and Jin Dynasty commentaries; and also we should not overlook his ultimate goal of ordering the world. In sum, although Hui Dong's study of the classics declared that it described what was ancient, it actually opened up a new direction through Han Learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
  1. 明邵寶(1997)。左觿
  2. 明顧炎武(1962)。左傳杜解補正
  3. 東漢許慎(1970)。五經異義
  4. 清阮元(1993)。揅經室集
  5. 清紀昀(1983)。四庫全書總目
  6. 清袁枚(1993)。小倉山房文集
  7. 清張惠言(1962)。周易虞氏義
  8. 清陳澧(1998)。東塾讀書記
  9. 清陳澧(1970)。東塾集
  10. 清淩廷堪(1995)。校禮堂集
  11. 清惠棟(1962)。左傳補註
  12. 清惠棟(1983)。易例
  13. 清惠棟(1970)。九曜齋筆記
  14. 清惠棟(1962)。九經古義
  15. 清惠棟(1970)。松崖文鈔
  16. 清惠棟(1962)。古文尚書考
  17. 清惠棟(1964)。明堂大道錄
  18. 清焦竑(1962)。春秋左傳補疏
  19. 清臧琳(1970)。經義雜記
  20. 清盧文弨(1990)。抱經堂文集
  21. 清錢大昕(1989)。潛研堂集
  22. 清錢儀吉(1993)。碑傳集
  23. 清戴震(1978)。戴東原先生全集
  24. 清鍾文烝(1996)。春秋榖梁經傳補注
  25. 支偉成(1986)。清代樸學大師列傳
  26. 王熙元(1974)。榖梁著述考徵
  27. 李開(1997)。惠棟評傳
  28. 李開(1997)。戴震評傳
  29. 沈玉成(1992)。春秋左傳學史稿
  30. 林慶彰(1981)。浩瀚的學海
  31. 柳興恩(1964)。榖梁大義述
  32. 徐復觀(1985)。中國思想史論集(續篇)
  33. 耿志宏(1984)。惠棟之經學研究
  34. 張素卿(1998)。敘事與解釋─左傳經解研究
  35. 張素卿(2000)。「乾嘉學者之義理學」第一次研討會
  36. 張素卿(2002)。中國哲學(第24輯)
  37. 曹書杰(1998)。中國古籍輯佚學論稿
  38. 梁啟超(1984)。中國近三百年學術史
  39. 梁啟超(1985)。清代學術概論
  40. 梁隱(1985)。國史大綱
  41. 陳立(1964)。公羊義疏
  42. 陳居淵(2000)。中國哲學(第21輯)
  43. 陳祖武(1994)。清代經學國際研討會論文集
  44. 陳新雄(1964)。春秋異文考
  45. 章炳麟(1984)。訄書
  46. 楊向奎(1994)。清儒學案新編(第3卷)
  47. 賈順先(1992)。楊慎研究資料彙編
  48. 劉文淇(1979)。春秋左傳舊注疏證
  49. 蔡孝懌(1998)。惠棟春秋左傳補註之研究
  50. 錢穆(1987)。中國近三百年學術史
  1. 張素卿(2004)。「漢學」著述與經世關懷—洪亮吉《春秋左傳詁》述論。臺大文史哲學報,61,261-298。
  2. 張素卿(2014)。惠棟論《易》之「大義」與「微言」。國文學報,56,123-152。