


The Lineage and the Civil Service Examinations: The Development of the Ch'eng in Hsiu-ning, 1100-1644




朱開宇(Ki-You Chu)


家族 ; 科舉考試 ; 社會流動 ; the Lineage ; the civil service examinations ; social mobility




58期(2003 / 05 / 01)


95 - 140






This thesis reflects on the civil service examinations since the Sung Dynasty by comparing the rise and fall of the Ch'eng clan's five branches in Hsiu-Ning with the clan's participation in the civil service examinations. The author finesse a wealth of primary sources such as the clan's pedigree, collections of prose works, local gazetteers etc. These primary sources enable the author to accurately trace the clan's rise and fall in Hsiu-Ning since the Sung, throughout the Yuan to the Ming Dynasty.Taking a look at ancestor worship & cult, the symbolism of which is structurally interwoven with the lineage organization, this thesis discusses the intricate relationship between man, symbol and society claiming that a system of symbols serves as a cultural pattern with a stabilizing role in society (or clan). Therefore this thesis highlights the development of the lineage organization in order to contemplate about the influence of the civil service examinations in Ancient China on the rise and fall of the clan. Since the Sung Dynasty the civil service examinations was an important factor in determining the rise or decline of a clan, though such factors as the lineage organization, the cohesiveness and level of cooperation within the clan and the locality also played a role. The author's contemplation on the Sung's civil service examinations hopes to delineate just such a more complete picture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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