


A Dialogue between Anthropology and History: The Making of the "Puyuma" (or "Pinuyumayan") as an Ethnic Group in Taiwan




陳文德(Wen-Te Chen)


卑南族 ; 歷史人類學 ; 力 ; 族群關係 ; 殖民統治 ; Puyuma (Pinuyumayan) ; historical anthropology ; power ; ethnic relation ; colonial rule




59期(2003 / 11 / 01)


143 - 175






This article is concerned with certain crucial questions raised in recent studies on historical anthropology. Using both ethnographical studies and historical documents, I take three Puyuma (or Pinuyumayan) settlements as examples to challenge the official classification of this ethnic group, and discuss the importance of intrinsic variations within it. The fanning of the Puyuma (Pinuyumayan) is a result of historical process, in which the categorization imposed on by the external regimes performs a significant role, rather than of the socia-cultural logic shared by the settlements of this group. Furthermore, data available at hand show the significance of local socia-cultural features in their articulation with the external forces throughout history. Thus, the idea that historical consciousness or historical process unfolds through a grand narrative by nation-state formation should be abandoned. Instead, research on the multiple and dialectic articulations between the indigenous people and the external forces should be the starting point to a better understanding of the making and remaking of the Puyuma (Pinuyumayan) people.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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