


Re-examining the Development of the Nanzhuang Area and the Ethnic Boundary of the Saisiat in Taiwan




胡家瑜(Chia-Yu Hu);林欣宜(Hsin-Yi Lin)


族群邊界 ; 再現 ; 南庄化番 ; 合番 ; 「姓氏」符號 ; 文化符碼 ; 集群動力 ; ethnic boundary ; Nanzhuang semi-subdued aborigines ; cultural codes ; "clan name" symbols ; Hefan aborigines ; agency for integration




59期(2003 / 11 / 01)


177 - 214






This paper aims at discussing the connection between the establishment of ethnic boundary of the Saisiat people and the development of the adjoining Nanzhuang area. By using historical materials, archives, ethnographies, field notes, and the Saisiat self-produced materials, on the one hand, we would like to examine the influences brought by the changes of state policies, exploitation of local resources and cross-cultural encounters in different times. On the other hand, we propose to investigate the constantly manifested ”Siasiat-ness” features, as well as the possible institutions for shaping up the ethnic boundary under historical changes. In the case of Saisiat, it is shown that its ethnic boundary was influenced by the interactions with different groups of people who entered in the mountainous area of Xinzhu and Miaoli counties, and also reinforced by the outside economical and political impacts, such as trade market, land reclamation, military operation and administrative classification. Yet, in distinction to the external socio-economic changes, certain cultural codes and conceptual schema in the aboriginal society ought to be highlighted as extending agencies for integration. For instance, the special pattern of movement of the related aboriginal settlements since the ”opening up the mountains and pacifying the aborigines” (kaishan fufan) scheme in the 1880s; and the systematic transformation from the aboriginal clan names to specific Han-Chinese surnames with similar meanings. In conclusion, to examine more subtle social changes in the historical processes, and to measure the ethnic boundary from a more fluid and dynamic point of view, we might have gained deeper understanding of the complicated dynamic interactions between different groups of people, and of the continuous discourse between the internal cultural values and external stimulants, as well as the past and the present.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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