


Historical Writing, Subjectivity and Power: Some Reflections on 'Self-Writing' of the Paiwan




譚昌國(Chang-Kwo Tan)


歷史書寫 ; 自我書寫 ; 主體性 ; 權力 ; 排灣族 ; historical writing ; self-writing ; subjectivity ; power ; the Paiwan




59期(2003 / 11 / 01)


65 - 95






This essay focuses on the recent phenomenon of 'self-writing' in which aboriginal intellectuals write the history of their own ethnic groups for their own people. I take five historical texts written by five Paiwan authors as examples, and analyse their intentions, structures and contents. From the position of a non-aboriginal anthropologist, I examine their academic values, and the ethical implications and theoretical issues they raise explicitly or implicitly Furthermore, I attempt to discuss their significance for the synthesis of anthropology and history in the study of Austronesian peoples in Taiwan. I argue that the major purpose of 'self-writing' by the aborigines is for asserting their historical subjectivity and constructing an aboriginal history grounded upon experiences and viewpoints of the aborigines. The result will be an alternative historical discourse different from that constructed from the perspective of the majority Han people. Taken as a whole, the phenomenon of 'self-writing' indicates a changing trajectory of the study and writing of aboriginal history. It means the rising of aboriginal subjectivity in the field of knowledge-power as well as the empowerment in the field of cultural politics. I appreciate and support this effort and expect more fruitful studies to come.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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