


A Study of Hong Liang-Ji's "Chunqiu Zuozhuan Gu"




張素卿(Su-Ching Chang)


左傳 ; 漢學 ; 古義 ; 經世 ; 乾嘉之學 ; Zuozhuan ; Han Learning ; guyi ; ideal of ordering the world ; Chien-Chia Hsueh Shu




61期(2004 / 11 / 01)


261 - 298






The most representative work in Hong Liang-Ji's opus of studies of the Classics is his ”Chunqiu Zuozhuan Gu” (春秋左傳詁). This study focuses on the process of its composition, based on an examination of such aspects as Hong's communication with teachers and friends, his method, the type of interpretation, and his inheritance of traditional exegesis of the Classics - with the purpose of both developing a sense of the depth of this scholarship and reflecting the actual scholarly atmosphere of his time. This particular work of Hong's extends the earlier research of Hui Dong(惠棟), follows the paradigms of Han Learning, embodies the objectives of perpetuating the study of antiquity, and furthers the ancient phonology of the Han and Wei scholars, all in order to rectify the mistaken interpretations of Du Yu(杜預). Hong's work not only points out the extent to which Du Yu both followed and differed from the Han and Wei scholars, but also deliberately draws attention to the way in which Du Yu appropriated the work of previous scholars. In contrast to Du Yu, Hong states clearly what the ancient views were and the works from which he drew them, as well as the explanations of other contemporary scholars, thereby emphasizing a model of proper scholarship and embodying an attitude of sincerity. From this view of ”sincerity as the origin of scholarship,” Hong's ”Zuozhuan” scholarship continues the exegesis of the Classics based on ancient phonology, in the hopes of rectifying social customs, and maintaining the ideal of ordering the world through study of the Classics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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