


The Lamp Image in "The Dream of the Red Chamber": Is Aroma the "Betrayer"?




歐麗娟(Li-Chuan Ou)


紅樓夢 ; 襲人 ; 告密說 ; 燈意象 ; 大觀園 ; The Dream of the Red Chamber ; Aroma ; Prospect Garden ; lamp image ; the betrayal issue




62期(2005 / 05 / 01)


229 - 275




基於歷來〈紅樓夢〉之閱讀與詮釋所呈現的人物論傾向,襲人被視為告密者幾乎已成定論。本文先就此一問題之產生省察其心理因素,其次則回歸文本之表述內涵加以探索。就第一次的告密部分而言,本文從襲人建言內容的層次分析、發展脈絡的線性邏輯、潛在文本的對映互涉等三方面,進行「告密說」之解析與辯證;接著更進一步抉發作者其實設計了充滿原型象徵意義與隱喻內涵的燈意象,建立出「燈姑娘」與「燈知道」平行同構的關係,亦即透過燈所具備的闡明、啟發、澄清、說明之鑑照作用,使晴雯與襲人之不同冤屈都同樣獲得昭雪,由此也展現了奇書文體在「紋理」(exture)上所採行的「形象迭用」(figural recurrence)手法。同時,本文將時間因素與性格因素納入考察,釐清了襲人建言與王夫人逐婢之間並無因果關係,促使怡紅院崩解的告密者,實有其他牽連甚廣、各自都具備高度可能性的諸多人選。因此本文進一步建構出賈府中「流動與互動」的訊息網絡,以及「勢利與對立」的人際型態,將「王夫人逐婢」所涉及的人事條件作一全幅梳理,從而抉剔出七類與密告有關的一干人等;並由抄檢逐婢過程中相關情報資訊之傳播所依賴的集體性質,申明將襲人視為當然人犯的不合理性,以間接洗刷襲人的涉案污名。


The paper reconsiders the issue of betrayal in ”The Dream of the Red Chamber” (especially mainly chapter 34). Traditional interpretation firmly holds that Aroma is the betrayer: her suggestion to Lady Wang is deemed as a betrayal and, it is claimed, results in the repelling of the waitresses of the House of Green Delights (怡紅院) . To re-examine this issue, I inspect both the psychological motif of Aroma's suggestion and the apparatus of the textual description of this event. First, I analyze the content of Aroma's suggestion, scrutinizing its layers and the logic of its development. Second, the textual description of the whole event is analyzed: it in fact utilizes a figuralrecurrence apparatus. It is shown that the author designs and utilizes a lamp-imagewhich, from both archetypical symbolism and metaphorical implication, connotes illuming, enlightening, cleaning, and mirroring-to develop a parallel morphology between ”lamp-girl” and ”lamp knowing.” Thus, I contend that there is no causal connection between Aroma's suggestion and Lady Wang's repelling the waitresses. There are many other characters qualified as the betrayer who induces the contraction of the House of Green Delights. I further delineate the rumoring network and the waiters-and-waitresses' personal nexus in the Jia family, thereby summarizing seven categories of people that may be relevant to the betrayal. Noticing and emphasizing the collectiveness of the information-transferral in the event of Lady Wang's repelling waitresses, I conclude that Aroma should be acquitted of the betrayal.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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