


On the Relation Between Tao and Creatures: The Main Thread in Chinese Philosophy




陳鼓應(Guu-Ying Chen)


老子 ; 莊子 ; 道 ; 物 ; 魏晉玄學 ; 宋明理學 ; Lao-tzu ; Chuang-tzu ; Tao ; Creatures ; Metaphysics in Wei-Chin period ; The study of Li in Sung and Ming Dynasty




62期(2005 / 05 / 01)


89 - 117






This article targets at Lao-tzu’s and Chuang-tzu’s thoughts on the relation between Tao and creatures, which is the main thread in Chinese philosophy. The argument is divided into two parts: the first analyses Lao-tzu’s thoughts on this and the second focuses on Chuang-tzu’s.What is common to Lao-tzu’s and Chuang-tzu’s thoughts on the contents and meanings of Tao and creatures could be summarized as follows: First, Tao is the origin of life. Second, Tao is real and limitless. Third, Tao is the wholeness of all existence. Fourth, Tao is the power and process of transforming and producing all creatures. Fifth, Tao consists of the way of heaven and that of the human.Yet more specifically, Lao-tzu’s thoughts on the relation between Tao and creatures are concerned with the following issues. First, the occurrence and existence of all creatures according to Tao. Second, the categories of Being and Non-being of Tao and creatures. Third, the relation between Tao and things. Fourth, the substance and function of Tao and creatures. Fifth, the complex relation between the single Tao and various creatures. Sixth, the stillness and movement of Tao and creatures. In contrast, Chuang-tzu thinks that Tao is limitless but creatures have to face the problem of life and death, and there is no distance between Tao and creatures. So Chuang-tzu’s thoughts go beyond those of Lao-tzu’s in at least two ways. The first is that Chuangtzu links Tao with life closely, and the second is that he explains the relation between Tao and creatures as the gathering and dispersing of Chi. Chuang-tzu’s thoughts influence not only Han Dynasty and Wei-Chin period but also the study ofLi in Sung and Ming Dynasty.In short, Lao-tzu’s and Chuang-tzu’s thoughts on the relation between Tao and creatures have a great influence on Chinese philosophy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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