


Reevaluating the "Classified Poetry of Dongpo with Hundred Critics' Annotations": A Discussion of the Annotators' Names Classified by Wang Wen-gou




李貞慧(Chen-Huei Lee)


百家註 ; 百家姓氏 ; 王十朋 ; 蘇軾 ; 王文誥 ; Hundred Critics' Annotations ; the Hundred Annotators' Names ; Wang Shi-pong ; Su Shih ; Wang Wen-gou




63期(2005 / 11 / 01)


1 - 33






Under the stereotypical impression as a forged publication made by booksellers, the ”Classified Poetry of Dongpo with Hundred Critics' Annotations” (abbr. as ”Hundred Critics' Annotations”) was hardly respected except as a rich collection of documents for hundreds of years. In fact, not only whether the Hundred Critics' Annotations is completely a forged book made by booksellers remains discussible; but as one of the most important annotation books for Dongpo's poetry that survived from Song Dynasty, its historical significance was irreplacable by later works or dissertations, even if they are more precise or profound than it. Based on the reorganization and classification of the so-called ”the Hundred Annotators' Names” made by Wang Wen-gou, a Ching Dynasty scholar, this article attempts to relate the Hundred Annotators to Wang Shi-pong (who was once identified as the editor of the book), to the Jiangxi poets, and to some of the most important academic and political elites in the transition period of Northern and Southern Song. The study, then, helps to reevaluate the significance of the ”Hundred Critics' Annotations” for the research of Su Shih and cultural history of Song Dynasty, as well as puts forth some valuable propositions for further reseach.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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