


Attitudes of Three Fu on "Yushan" towards the Garden and Its Owner




曹淑娟(Shu-Chuan Tsao)


寓山賦 ; 陳遯 ; 陳函煇 ; 陳子龍 ; 祁彪佳 ; 園林 ; "Yushan Fu" ; Chen Dun ; Chen Hanhui ; Chen Zilong ; Qi Biaojia ; garden




63期(2005 / 11 / 01)


35 - 70






During the end of the Ming dynasty, Qi Biaojia (祁彪佳) built his ”Yushan” (寓山) garden in the outskirts of the city of Shanyin (山陰). Literati of the time participated in the interpretation of this garden with odes and reply-response pieces in a number of different styles. In addition to the large number of poem, and prose pieces, three works in the fu (賦) style written by Chen Dun (陳遯, date of birth and death unknown), Chen Hanhui (陳函輝, 1590-1646), and Chen Zilong (陳子龍, 1608-1647) have survived. This paper uses these three works in an effort to show the experimentation with and efforts put into writing fu on the subject of gardens by the literati of the late Ming. Three main questions are discussed. First, how did the relation between writer and owner affect the writing angle of three fu ? Second, how did fu written about gardens interpret the meaning invested in the space by the owner, and, particularly in light of the political situation of the time, how did the owner's choice to either take office or stay out of public life affect the meanings imparted in the garden space? Third, given that literati during the late Ming did in fact use the fu style to write about gardens, how did they go about utilizing the characteristic of the fu as ”stacking colors and layering shades, shaping objects and expressing thoughts (鋪采摛文,體物寫志)? In these works, the close connection of the garden with their owner brings to light the difference between this garden and the natural mountain terrain, while at the same time the writer's relation to and understanding of the owner will also affect the perspective with which they look at the garden and their interpretation of it.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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