


The Shift of "Bartering the Body for the Soul": The Physique, Spirit, and National Identity of Characters in Lu Xun's Novels




顏健富(Kean-Fung Guan)


魯迅 ; 五四 ; 晚清 ; 體格 ; 精神 ; Lu Xun ; May Forth ; late Qing ; physical ; spiritual




65期(2006 / 11 / 01)


113 - 149






This article discusses the strategies of representation in Lu Xun's novels, as well as the shifts in cultural tradition that underlie these modes of writing. It takes as its starting point the ”physique” (tige) and the ”spirit” (jingshen) that pervade so many of Lu Xun's narratives, and asks what kind of ”body” Lu chose as representative of the Chinese. The article further inquires the function of the ”spiritual/physical” in the structure of the narratives, the reasons for them, and Lu Xun's creative adaptation and rewriting of the (national) body theme-a theme that has appeared in the late Qing. That is: how does the ”spirit/body” duality find expression in his novels, and how does he appropriate the ”physical” and the ”spiritual” in these narratives? Finally, the article assesses the strategies employed by Lu Xun for the representation of national identity, as seen from the ”physical” and ”spiritual” outlook of the characters in his novels.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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