


The Dispute between Mainland Presidents and Native Intellectuals at NTU in the Early Retrocession Period (1945-50)




李東華(Tong-Hwa Lee)


民族情感 ; 羅宗洛 ; 杜聰明 ; 陸志鴻 ; 林茂生 ; 莊長恭 ; 傅斯年 ; Lo Song-lo ; Lu Chih-houng ; Zuang Chang-Kong ; Fu Ssu-nien ; Tu Chung-ming ; Lin Mou-sheng ; national consciousness




65期(2006 / 11 / 01)


183 - 221






When the Japanese surrendered in 1945, China recovered its lost land-Taiwan-from Japan. Unfortunately, some serious conflicts resulted from this between mainlanders and Taiwan natives. This paper explores the disputes between mainland presidents and Taiwanese intellectual figures at NTU.The university has had four mainland presidents: Lo Song-lo (羅宗洛), Lu Chih-houng (陸志鴻), Zuang Chang-Kong (莊長恭) and Fu Ssu-nien (傅斯年). Lo took over the university right after the retrocession and initiated reforms. He retained some local faculty members from Taihoku Imperial University, of which Tu Chung-ming (杜聰明) was the most famous (Professor Tu was appointed dean of the Medical School). Lo also invited many outstanding local intellectual leaders to work at the new university, the most notable being Professor Lin Mou-sheng (林茂生), who was made a member of the succession team and bore the responsibility of heading the College of Liberal Arts and Political Science. From then on, Tu and Lin supported the various mainland presidents in their efforts to build up the new university. Gradually, however, disputes arose between the various mainland university presidents and the Taiwanese intellectuals. In the February 28th Incident, Professor Lin was arrested and was soon to be killed and Professor Tu resigned from his post.Why was the cooperation between these mainland presidents and the local intellectuals unable to endure? This paper will attempt to answer this question through an examination of historical facts.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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