


The Yin Calendar in Qishi's Theory of Wuji: With an Explanation of the Six Emotions Divination in the "Biography of Yi Feng"




郜積意(Ji-Yi Gao)


五際 ; 翼奉 ; 殷曆 ; 詩經學 ; Wuji ; Yi Feng ; Yin calendar ; studies on The Book of Songs




68期(2008 / 05 / 01)


1 - 38






According to the theory of Wuji : ”Mao (卯) is ”Tian Bao” (天保); You (酉) is ”Qi Fu” (祈父); Wu (午) is ”Cai Qi” (采芑); Hai (亥) is ”Da Ming” (大明).” However, scholars' explanation for this classification method is unclear. This paper asserts that the basis of the classification method is the Yin calendar (殷曆).First, what Wuji proclaims also appears in the ”Biography of Yi Feng” in Han History and in ”Fanlishu” in Shi Wei (詩緯.汎歷樞), in which the calendar used is most likely the Yin calendar.Second, according to Meng Kang, the term ”Wuji” in the ”Biography of Yi Feng” signifies the year ying and yang intersected. This means that the terrestrial branches of Wuji could be the name of a year.Third, according to ”Qianzaodu” in Yi Wei (易緯.乾鑿度), King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty was enthroned in the year Wuwu (戊午蔀) 29th. The ancient history recorded in ”Ji Lan Tu” (稽覽圖) used the Yin calendar and states that the year King Cheng was enthroned should be Dinghai (丁亥). This is in conformity with the statement that ”Hai is ”Da Ming”” and proves that Meng Kang's explanation is correct.Fourth, Wuji also states: ”Xu (戌) is ”The Crossing of October”.” ”The Crossing of October” cited in the ”Biography of Yi Feng” coincides with the Jiaxu (甲戌) year of the Emperor Yuan in the Han dynasty. Therefore, the terrestrial branches of Wuji possibly represent the names of the years. The poems can be aligned with various years of the Zhou dynasty. However, due to a lack of documentation, some terrestrial branches could not be correlated to specific years.This paper also provides an explanation of the Six Emotions divination in the ”Biography of Yi Feng”.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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