This paper deals with Aristotle's theory of categories. Aristotle's categories not only represent different forms of predication, but also reflect different modes and the basic structure of beings. The paper analyzes the development of Aristotle's theory of categories from its inception in the ”Topics” as a linguistic theory of predications, then through the reformulation with the ontological theory of primary substance in the ”Categories”, and to finally reach its ontological summit in the ”Metaphysics”. The developed categories offer a framework for grasping not only the manifoldness of diversified beings, but also the dynamics of change in the empirical world. Moreover, the paper examines possible guiding principles behind Aristotle's choice of categories, discussing whether and to what extent the ten categories can be understood as an inventory of questions or a system of the lexical categories of the ancient Greek. Although Aristotle does rely heavily on linguistic analysis, his choice of categories is not determined by the Greek language. Instead, linguistic analysis is taken only as a point of departure, from which Aristotle advances to explore the universal structure of thought and reality by philosophical reflection.
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