


Visual Didacticism in Postwar Taiwan, 1945-1948: Exhibition Activities and the 1948 Provincial Exposition




廖文碩(Wen-Shuo Liao)


展示文化 ; 省博覽會 ; 視覺宣傳 ; 反殖民 ; 戰後臺灣 ; exhibition culture ; provincial exposition ; visual propaganda ; anti-colonialism ; Taiwan after World War II




74期(2011 / 05 / 01)


181 - 222






During the immediate postwar years, Taipei underwent far-reaching changes as it transformed from the capital of the former Japanese colony to of the reestablished province of China. In view of the shift of Taiwan's sovereignty and deep colonial imprints, visual propaganda served as constitutive and instrumental means for the provincial government to decolonize and mobilize the minds of people. Newsreels, journalistic photography, monumental statues and photographs of national leaders were in use, whereof categories, subjects and elements deemed as ”national” were officially approved and endorsed with ethical values. The postwar exhibition culture of a highly political nature climaxed with the 1948 Taiwan Provincial Exposition. Although failing to hold it in the national capital Nanjing as first conceived, the Provincial Exposition Committee maintained the core message, ”enhancing the mainlanders' understanding of Taiwan,” and strove to mobilize official and individual participants, official guests and public visitors from the mainland. Financed mainly by state-run enterprises in Taiwan, the Exposition delivered a spectacle in serving conservative interests, as encoded in the Exposition's slogan, ”Ensuring Prosperity through Stability.” The Exposition may be seen as essentially a field of competitive cultural forces and thereby an illuminating case to review postwar Taiwan at the threshold of a new era. Taking a comparative point of view, this paper aims to reveal the perhaps complex and paradoxical narrative structures behind the Exposition in redefining Taiwan as a part of China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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