After the seventeenth century, subjects such as landscapes, still life, or genre no longer played a minor role as mere decorative motif (parerga) in historical paintings; they came to be, rather, a major theme which possessed its own individual artistic value and theoretical significance. This change gave rise to questions and discussion about the traditional conception of art and art theories. Although Castiglione's ”biblico viaggio patriarcale” is considered an example of traditional historical paintings, it conveys its painter's revolutionary ideas, especially regarding its construction. In this painting he emphasized the moving caravan and the description of minor characters, while the protagonist of the Old Testament was placed in the background. In such representation the artist breaks from the traditional norm in historical paintings. The genre-like scene is thus the real subject of the painting, not the biblical history. Furthermore, Castiglione did not use the ”proper language” to formulate his historical painting. Instead, he used a pastoral approach to create his own biblical travelling scene. As this is a literary form that emphasizes rural life and peasantry with great simplicity, it acts against the decorum of historical paintings, which should be solemn and magnificent, the so-called grand manner style. However, seeing that the pastoral has always a biblical subtext since the Christian era, we can perceive why Castiglione intentionally used the reverse-structure and pastoral language to express his ideas about the traditional meaning of parergon and the genre-hierarchic-problem.
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