


Examination Essays and the Culture of Examination in the Sung




劉祥光(Hsiang-Kwang Liu)


宋代 ; 科舉 ; 時文 ; 書坊 ; 印刷術 ; Sung dynasty ; civil service examinations ; examination essays ; commercial printers ; printing




75期(2011 / 11 / 01)


35 - 86






With the adoption of the civil service examination system and the spread of printing technology in the Sung, the quantity of books increased dramatically. Among numerous books in the market, one genre stands out-examination essays (shiwen). The significances of examination essays are multiple. First, the government published essays that were successful in the civil service examinations, implying they are ”model essays.” Second, commercial book printers, sometimes illegally, circulating them reveals the profitability of this genre. Third, that examinees purchased these ”model essays” shows how eager they vied to pass the examinations. Fourth, by mid- and late Southern Sung, commercial printers asked literati or scholar-officials to compile examination essays, using their publicity to promote the sale. Fifth, personal exam essays in book form also appeared. They desired to increase their publicity so that they would be known by the examiners, and would be able to pass the exams. This paper attempts to analyze the compilation and circulation of examination essays in the hope of understanding the relationship between the civil service examinations and the production of books, as well as their significances in Sung society.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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