


Yin Yang and Divination in the "Book of Changes" as Seen through the Philosophy of Mind: With Emphasis on Ji Ben




賀廣如(Goang-Ru Ho)


季本(季彭山) ; 易學四同 ; 龍惕 ; 楊簡(楊慈湖) ; 蓍法 ; Ji Ben (Ji Pengshan) ; Yixue sitong ; Dragon Alerting ; Yang Jian (Yang Cihu) ; the rule of divination




76期(2012 / 05 / 01)


29 - 66






This paper investigates research on the ”Book of Changes” (”Yijing”) by Ji Ben, a scholar in the Wang Yangming School during the Ming dynasty. Ji Ben proposed his theory of ”Dragon Alerting” to address the disadvantages of the academic atmosphere resulting from the rise of the Cihu teaching. Ji's theory is based on the ”Book of Changes” and emphasized domination is more important than following one's nature. In addition, he believed that Yang was good and Yin was evil. Those issues gave rise to much discussion with academy mates, especially with Wang Longxi and Zou Dongkuo. By investigating Ji's books, ”Yixue sitong” and ”Shuoli huibian”, this article argues that he not only continued developing his views on the ”Dragon Alerting”, but also tried to resolve certain problems, such as the correction of negative comments on Yin by the inspiration gained during his debates with other scholars.Ji's theory of divination was strongly influenced by the Philosophy of Mind, in that he combined the revelations from divination with the conscience of spirit in isolation. Through internalizing divination into a process of moral introspection, he rendered the innate knowledge of the good. He named his book ”Sitong” in order to unify teachings on the ”Book of Changes” by the Four Saints (Fuxi, King Wen, the Duke of Zhou, and Confucius). He argued against Zhu Xi's idea that the Four Saints are different and advocated a rule of divination different from that of Zhu Xi.Ji Ben's studies on the Book of Changes are valuable in understanding the development of interpreting the Book of Changes through the Philosophy of Mind, as well as in the evolution of intellectual thought during the Ming dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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