


Differences in Confucian and Buddhist Thought and Cultural Implications Reflected in the "Debate over Eating while Squatting" in the Southern Dynasties




紀志昌(Chih-Chang Chi)


南朝 ; 儒佛交涉 ; 名教 ; 踞食 ; 玄學 ; 結跏趺坐 ; Southern Dynasties ; interplay between Confucian and Buddhism ; Confucian ethical codes ; eating while squatting ; Neo-Taoism ; sitting cross-legged




76期(2012 / 05 / 01)


67 - 105






”Eating while squatting” was a type of sitting ritual by monks, where they would squat (sit with legs out) while eating. It began in the Wei-Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties in China. This paper considers the criticism of ”eating while squatting” by Southern Dynasties scholars Zheng Daozi and Fan Tai, to clarify the processes and reasons for it. The perspective of interplay between Confucianism and Buddhism is used to observe the theoretical concepts in the debate between them, to interpret the perspectives and the related cultural implications.Squatting was traditionally seen as an improper and disrespectful posture, and for monks to eating while squatting certainly challenged the acceptance customs, views, and ritual concepts of the Chinese, which elicited doubt and criticism. Ritualists tended to use the thought models in mysticism, such as: ”essence/triviality,” ”essence/function,” and ”when meaning is understood, words can be forgotten” as theoretical tools to explicate the concept of sages ”creating ceremony based on local customs.” In comparison, a monk considered the maintenance of principles of laws and monk organizational autonomy when using the ”squatting” position while eating.This paper finds that based on traditional cultural contexts, ritualists had many misunderstandings about the monk practice of eating while squatting. However, the purpose of the related debate was not to use Confucianism to govern Buddhism, but rather to introduce methods that both Confucians and Buddhists could accept-that is to use a cross-legged position as a compromise in sitting etiquette.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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