


Conceptions of Childhood Diseases in Medical Literature during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907)




張嘉鳳(Chia-Feng Chang)


小兒 ; 病因 ; 身體 ; 諸病源候論 ; 孫思邈 ; child ; body ; etiology ; pediatrics ; Zhubing yuanhou lun ; Sun Simiao




77期(2012 / 11 / 01)


199 - 236






This paper aims to explore conceptions of childhood disease etiology during the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907), and to examine important aspects of medical understanding regarding childhood diseases, children' bodies and their health.Medieval medical experts attributed pediatric disease not only to expected and unexpected climatic change, being frightened, as well as to accident, supernatural forces, worms, and diet, but also to factors such as a careless mothers during and after pregnancy, congenital factors, contagion, improper nursing and imbalanced body conditions. According to those experts, the diet, temper, health, behavior and moral character of the mother or wet nurse also influenced the child. Therefore, from the medical point of view, the mother was not only responsible for raising and caring for physically healthy offspring, but also for bearing and teaching good sons with high moral standards and social achievement.Pediatric experts put extra emphasis on the idea that many childhood diseases also resulted from their own frail and feeble bodies. They further used this idea to form basic conceptions of the child body, and applied it to diagnoses and treatments. These signified the professionalization and independence of pediatrics. At the time when male medical experts sought the origins of childhood diseases, they crossed the sex barrier to instruct females on the right ways of nursing children. In so doing, they extend the domain of pediatrics, empowered themselves with professional knowledge, and strengthened their authority over pediatrics and child caring. These are keys to the development of pediatrics in medieval China, and to the independence of pediatrics in the Northern Song dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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