


An Exposition on the "Nature of the People" in "The Poetics of Confucius"




簡良如(Liang-Ju Chien)


孔子詩論 ; 民性 ; 人性論 ; 禮 ; The Poetics of Confucius ; the nature of the people ; theory of human nature ; rites




77期(2012 / 11 / 01)


43 - 72






This paper discusses the ”nature of the people” in ”The Poetics of Confucius”, which is in ”Shanghai Museum's Chu Bamboo Books from the Warring States Period”. Specifically, it looks at this idea as expressed in four short poems in the work: ”Getan,” ”Gantang,” ”Mugua,” and ”Didu.” This concept exerts influence both in spirit and in reality, particularly as concerns the subjective ground of the establishment of ”values,” as well as the objective relationship between the ”use of things” and the feelings of the heart. In brief, ”the nature of the people” that is discussed in ”The Poetics of Confucius” is essentially the same as ”the human nature,” thus supplementing the Confucian view of the heart and nature of man and enriching the latter from the viewpoint of the history of thought. ”The Poetics of Confucius” not only upholds ideal and practice of man as based on the ”nature of the people,” viewing this nature as something unchangeably certain, but also confirms the standpoint that the ”nature of the people” is the foundation of human morals, being the alpha and omega of the rites 禮 of man. On the one hand, ”The Poetics of Confucius” with respect of the nature of man has the same basic belief as the theory of the goodness of human nature, but on the other hand, in discussing the goodness of man, ”The Poetics of Confucius” is unique: it does not view as primary the human phenomena that is usually analyzed in the theories of human nature, and similarly does not see the direct responses and feelings between man and his objects as expressions of human nature. On the contrary, it exposes the goodness of human nature from its natural disposition to act in relationships with objects, and even in its unkind affairs that are generally accepted as selfish or as human frailties.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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