


Toward "Post-human Poetry": Views of Science Fiction in Chen Ke Hua's Poetry




劉正忠(Cheng-Chung Liu)


科幻詩 ; 機體人 ; 後人類 ; SF poetry ; cyborg ; post-human




78期(2013 / 05 / 01)


75 - 116






The fusion of science fiction and poetry has both widened the scope of science fiction and renewed styles in poetry; yet, however, the current scholarship concerning this area has remained extremely limited. The present article seeks to explore science fiction poetry within the whole of Taiwanese literature in order to establish a comprehensive standard for evaluation. A focused study will furthermore be made on Chen Ke Hua, an important figure in science fiction poetry, with consideration towards his more representative works.The long science fiction poems of Chen's early period reflected a modernist spirit, breaking the then popular trends of narrative poetry. By his middle and late periods, Chen's works became shorter in length and science fiction increasingly evolved into the dominant influence of his vision, thus giving birth to a variety of unique metaphors, imagery, and emotions. Other elements (e.g., urbanism, politics, and the physical body) also concurrently became intermingled into his writing, creating new forms.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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