Du Fu’s trip from Qinzhou to Chengdu has received tremendous attention. Some poems that he composed in Tonggu County are famous including "Jicaoling", "Nigongshan", "Fenghuangtai", "Wanzhangtan", and "Fatongguxian." Based on the On-site research methodology of Tang poetry, this article reread "Fenghuangtai" and "Wanzhang pond" thoroughly so as to verify the contents of the two poems and correctly locate the sites of Fenghuangtai and Wanzhang pond. The On-site research methodology is not applicable to the rest of the above poems. Moreover, in his work, Cao shui-zhi, the mayor of Chengzhou from 1122 to 1124 who constructed Du Fu Shrine in Tonggu County, pointed out the site of Fenghuangtai correctly and mentioned the name and location of Wanzhang pond. Because he believed that Du Fu housed by the riverside of Wanzhang pond, he thus erected Du Fu Shrine there. Although his description was completely different from the site of "Wangzhang pond" in Du Fu's poem, the information Cao provided was inspiring. "The seven poems composed during Qianyuan in Tonggu County" have been well known. No one has ever doubted if they were actually written by Du. This article will look into details in order to examine the genuineness of the set of Tonggu poems.