This article argues that Zhu Xi 朱熹was inclined to cultivate himself and conceive of the world through the lens of ti-yong. Some modern scholars even claim that Zhu Xi's Daoxue should be construed as the learning of Quan-ti Da-yong. In order to develop this argument, this article maintains that Zhu Xi's learning of Quan-ti Da-yong, a learning of mind-and-heart 心學, entails a structure called mind-with-ti-yong 心有體用. Through enduring meditation on the concept of zhong-he 中和 and of "mind-and-heart governs xing and qing 心統性情," the latter of which was proposed by Zhang Zai 張載, Zhu Xi finally established the structure of mind-with-ti-yong, the core of his learning of Quan-ti Da-yong. This structure signifies that the way in which mind-and-heart works should align with the mode of ti-yong. Zhu Xi also stressed that ti-yong, as a mode of self-cultivation, was intended for ordinary people, for sages are born to be perfect and have no need for them to cultivate themselves. Despite the differences between ordinary people and sages, ordinary people can still, by illuminating their own mind-and-heart, reach the ultimate mental state of everything-is-one, as same as the sages born to be.