


New Interpretation on the Discussion on Salt and Iron- The Political Intention of Huo Guang and the Unperceived Situation of Sang Hong-yang




林聰舜(Lin, Tsung-shun)


鹽鐵會議 ; 霍光 ; 桑弘羊 ; 輪臺詔 ; Discussion on Salt and Iron ; Huo Guang ; Sang Hong-yang ; Luntai Imperial Order




89期(2018 / 05 / 01)


1 - 40






For years, researchers have regarded the Discussion on Salt and Iron as the conflict between Huo Guang (?-68B.C.) and Sang Hong-yang (155B.C.-80B.C.) as a political approach to take absolute power in which Huo Guang in the inner palace used to crash Sang Hong-yang in the outer palace. However, after analyzing the main characters in the Discussion on Salt and Iron from different aspects, this study cannot agree with the interpretation of previous studies. How to balance the expansionism of Emperor Wu of Han (ruling from 141 B.C. to 87 B.C.) and returning the people peace and security was the problem that Huo Guang should be faced with. Based on the issue, this study discusses and interprets the political intention of Huo Guang. Also, this study points out that the "Luntai Imperial Order" did not lead to the fundamental changes of the policy of the Han Dynasty; the Discussion on Salt and Iron could not be regarded as an extension of the Order. Sang Hong-yang could not transcend his stance as a defender of national policies, limiting himself to only see the benefits of monopolizing and could not understand the political intention of Huo Guang to hold the Discussion on Salt and Iron. Although Huo Guang aimed not to oppose to Sang Hong-yang in the Discussion on Salt and Iron, Sang became a pawn in Huo Guang's political game.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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