


Aging and Sophistication: The Creative Subject of Yu Guangzhong's Late Poetry




劉正忠(Liu, Cheng-chung)


晚期詩 ; 當代漢語詩 ; 老年情感 ; Late poetry ; Contemporary Chinese Poetry ; Emotions of Aging




91期(2019 / 05 / 01)


39 - 80






This article examines issues on "Contemporary-Chinese-Poetry" of Yu Guangzhong's works written in the late period. On one hand, we squarely face the fact that the poet 'was young,' in terms of reconstructing the historical process of "challenging the writing brush with a pen" in his early period. On the other hand, in consideration of culture, temperament, poetic art, and other factors, this article explores the aesthetic issues in Yu's late poetry. We find that Yu Guangzhong established an image of a cultural hero through debates in the 1960s, opening a number of battlefields by the pen in his hand: mocking that the cultured people who protected tradition were "dancing the eight-row dance," ridiculing the new literature of the May Fourth as an "old, half-dead woman," and finally, using "The Prodigal Son" to criticize radical modernism. Starting from the 1970s, Yu's consciousness of aging was gradually increasing, although due to the accumulation of works, both his writing skills and themes repeated. In some of good works, he is able to express emotions of aging, going beyond the traditional style of "sighing oldness and sorrowing for being lowly" and not limited to the model of "aging and indifference." Carefully studying the works written in Yu Guangzhong's late period could help break the stereotype of "respecting/disgusting the aged" and reevaluate the significance of the aesthetics of aging in modern literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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