


Variations of Shi and Sha in He Xiu's Interpretations of Gongyang Commentary




郜積意(Gao, Ji-yi)


《公羊傳》 ; 何休 ; 弒殺異同 ; 以何還何 ; Gongyang Commentary ; He Xiu ; similarities and differences of versions of Shi and Sha ; revivification of He Xiu's version via his interpretations




92期(2019 / 11 / 01)


1 - 48






Nowadays there are variations of Shi (弑) and Sha (殺) in different editions of Gongyang Commentary, be they single editions, or editions with notes, or editions with commentary. As far as single editions are concerned, the version of Xiping Shijing (classics carved on the stone in the period of Xiping reign) differed from that of the Tang Shijing (classics carved on the stone in the Tang Dynasty). Dong Zhongshu, Cai Yong and He Xiu had different editions. As regards editions with notes, Lu Deming saw a version different from the original Interpretations of Gongyang Commentary. Xu Yan who wrote the notes didn't base them on the original version. As for editions with commentary, there were errors and omissions in the edition of ten lines of the Song Dynasty and the edition of nine lines of the Ming Dynasty (the Min edition, the edition of Beijing Imperial College and the Mao edition) as well as the edition of the Wuying Palace in the Qing Dynasty. To distinguish rightness from wrongness, it is necessary to reveal the original versions of He Xiu, Lu Deming and Xu Yan. The key to understanding He's version lies in probing the examples and definitions given by He. Understanding He's examples of Shi and 36 definitions of Shi will help clarify the similarities and differences of different versions of Shi and Sha in Interpretations of Gongyang Commentary.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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