


The Thoughts in Du Shu's Tilun and Confucian's Frustration




蘇子齊(Su, Zi-qi)


《體論》 ; 君臣一體 ; 杜恕 ; 法家 ; Tilun ; Du Shu ; Monarch and Subject as a Body ; Legalist




92期(2019 / 11 / 01)


49 - 83






Du Shu's Tilun is one of the rare Zi books from the Three Kingdoms that is preserved nowadays. Part of its content is collected in The Governing Principles of Ancient China compiled by Wei Zeng in the Tang Dynasty. Among those Zi books compiled in The Governing Principle of Ancient China, Tilun voices the most direct criticism of Legalist. Through the summary of the meanings of Ti and thoughts in Tilun, we see that "monarch and subject as a body" and "fulfillment of each's duties" are Tilun's key ideas. The concept of "monarch and subject as a body" originates from the metaphor of "head/thighs and arms" in "Gaoyaomo" of Shangshu. It manifests that the monarch and subject have to do their duties and supervise each other. Thus, it can avoid the suspicion between the monarch and subject. What's more, according to the usage of the metaphor "head/thighs and arms" in other historical books and Zi books, we can see "monarch and subject as a body" is not empty words. However, the existing Tilun is incomplete for it has been selected by the Tang scholars. Tilun has two points at issue. Firstly, the understanding of Legalist's care and theory is disproportionate; therefore, it influences the effectiveness of Tilun's criticism. Secondly, like other contemporary Zi books, Tilun also has the flaws in repetition and imitation. In this case, Du Shu might not be able to resist Legalist's trend at that time. The situation also symbolizes Confucian's frustration in the mid-to-late Cao-Wei Dynasty, forecasting that Confucians were going to react to the court as Ji Kang or Ruan Ji did.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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