


Documenting and Redefining Turkish-Style Dresses and Their Archival Records in the Florentine Courts, 1600-1640




葉嘉華(Yeh, Chia-hua)


土耳其風尚 ; 服裝設計 ; 十七世紀 ; 佛羅倫斯 ; 內務檔案 ; Household Document ; Dress Design ; Florence ; Seventeenth Century ; Turquerie




98期(2022 / 11 / 01)


163 - 226






During the cultural movement of Turquerie in the eighteenth century, Turkish-style dresses, which were generally made for theatrical performances and banquets, were prevalent in Europe. The dresses were commonly regarded as cultural representations of European fantasies about the Orient and often applied as inspirations for European dress design. However, little research has been done on how Turkish-style dresses were made and received by local communities in Europe before the eighteenth century. Therefore, this article aims to investigate the style, material, and function of Turkish-style dresses during the first half of the seventeenth century by probing into the records of Guardaroba Medicea-the household document in the Florentine courts. Furthermore, this article analyzes the form and meaning of the Turkish plants, floral patterns, and their receptions in Europe based on a detailed analysis of Guardaroba Medicea and other documentation, including pattern books, textiles, and objects from museum collections. Finally, this article presents the loot inventory of a Florentine military galley in 1602 as well as an archival record related to a special gift from Turkish Pascià to exemplify how the Turkish-style dresses could serve as valuable looted artifacts or as meaningful diplomatic gifts. Above all, this research paves the way for understanding and redefining these exotic dresses in early modern Florence.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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